Sunday, September 20, 2009

Praise Him for the Victory

So, I am home from church and just wanted to put down my thoughts from the day...

Church was so amazing... We had 2 guest speakers today. The thing is, they were so in sync that it had to be God. We as a generation need to find a boldness, from God. The boldness of a Lion. We need to look the enemy in the eye and say 'NO MORE!" We will no longer sit as captives. We will no longer be hushed and intimidated into silence. We are going to stand tall for the King of Kings, and claim the victory! I heard it said once...that if you flip to the back of the book, WE WIN! Why should we sit in fear when it is already known to us that we HAVE the victory?!? We should praise God for the victory NOW, to show Him that we really believe Him when He says He is going to do something.

Pastor said something that really hit home for me... When you go to the hospital with a heart problem, they will hook you up to the monitor. Once you are hooked up, that is what the doctors are going to look at to check the status of your heart. Well, the monitor for your faith is your praise! God is checking to see if you really believe when you say you looking at how much you praise Him. If you really believe God is going to do what He promises you, then you should be praising Him in advance.

I have more to say, but right now, i really don't feel good. But I am not claiming sickness. I have been prayed for mutiple times, and the Word says that 'they shall lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover!" and "by His stripes we ARE healed." It leaves no room for maybes, so I am claiming my healing now. <3

I'll write more some time tomarow! Good night...


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