Monday, November 16, 2009

I was born to tell you "I love you"... i havent posted in a few weeks...much has happened, i guess. Swine flu and pneumonia are gone, (THANK YOU JESUS!) Calvert is gone, (THANK YOU JESUS!) and life was starting to work out(again, THANK YOU JESUS!). However, notice i say was...Recently, I have gotten myself back into a relationship with the guy I've loved since i was about 13. He tells me he loves me and is so good to me, I dont deserve it. I love him more than pretty much anything, he is my world. But, of course, I had to go mess that up. Yes, I went out with a good friend, and cheated on him. =( I told him the truth and things fell apart very quickly. Long story short....I tell him, I cry, he cries, he wants a break, I beg him not to. We dont talk for a day, he wont reply to any txts or answer the phone. he gets online, I IM him, begging him to stop ignoring me. We finally talk, we REALLY talk....and now things are looking up, I can at least be hopeful...I know asking for him to forgive me and still be with me is very bold...I dont deserve it. but I dont care. He means too much to just let it go. I love him.

Oh, and quitting smoking?.......Fail...