Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Current State of Being, In a Pecan Shell

SOOO, the doctors are saying i have swine flu.

It really sucks....

I also have bacterial pneumonia.

This is just great... =(

I quit smoking 2 days ago.

=/ Not real sure if I am happy about this.

I will be eventually if I stick with it.

Theres a new boytoy in my life.

His name is Calvert.

He's kind of dorky but very sweet.

He makes me smile.

He's not in church.

He seems to like me a whole lot more than I like him. =/

I just can't seem to stay faithful to him.

He knows this, but refuses to back off.

I don't understand why he won't leave me like most everyone else....

I need a freakin pair of pliers


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