Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Current State of Being, In a Pecan Shell

SOOO, the doctors are saying i have swine flu.

It really sucks....

I also have bacterial pneumonia.

This is just great... =(

I quit smoking 2 days ago.

=/ Not real sure if I am happy about this.

I will be eventually if I stick with it.

Theres a new boytoy in my life.

His name is Calvert.

He's kind of dorky but very sweet.

He makes me smile.

He's not in church.

He seems to like me a whole lot more than I like him. =/

I just can't seem to stay faithful to him.

He knows this, but refuses to back off.

I don't understand why he won't leave me like most everyone else....

I need a freakin pair of pliers

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

There Ain't No Devil in Hell Gonna Walk On The Jesus In Me this is just another filler blog, something to show that i'm still here. lol I feel like the Prodigal Son. I have run away from a perfect God to try to find my own unperfect self. I'm coming back through. That much is decided. And when i get back i am going to me twice as on fire before I left. The devil has tried and tricked me lately and i have had enough of it. Its done. Over. Finito. I have to start living for God. There is not enough time to be playing around with sin. You never know whats going to happen. I need to go back to my Father's House. He loves me and wants me there. I dont know why i left. I guess it was for my own selfish desires. God is so good. Revival is coming to Wheeling. I'm going to be part of it. I can't wait to see what God is going to do for my city. To God Be The Glory!!!!!