Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Truth Will Set You Free

Kayy.. so i just got back from some great fellowship with a girl from my church, and girl from a church in the next town over. I love hanging out with other Christians...i feel like it gives me such a Spiritual boost.

I really need to start living whole-heartedly for Jesus. It is that simple. It is a choice that I make every morning. I should wake up, and think ' Today, i will eat pancakes for breakfast, and I am going to live for God.' That is how is should be every morning!!! I am so happy to realize that it is just a CHOICE!!!

While it is just a choice, i really need to stop putting myself in situations where the choice is hard to make. When i go somewhere, i need to think, ' Would Jesus like to go here?' if the answer is no, and if He goes everywhere with me, then WHY AM I DRAGGING HIM THERE ANYWAY?!? He can only help me if I am in His will, and if im not, then I need to stop asking for Him to sop the pain of the burning when i am walking straight into Hell on my own!

God is so good, and I am so happy that I can go straight to Him. I don't have to go through another person, or sit and meditate. I can just go to my Father and talk to Him! I am so happy to know the Truth. I want to stop making excuses for myself and my sin. There are NO EXCUSES ( i love that towel at beach bottom, i need to get me one of those, i wonder if they'll let me buy one?) The Truth says that without Holiness, no man can see the kingdom of God. They can't even peek! God is coming back for the church without a wrinkle or blemish..and we need to find that old-time Holiness again. God has not nd never will change, so why do we seem to think that its okay for His church to change?

Okay, so thinking back to my last post....I have been feeling so confused lately, and that has left the door wide open for that stupid devil to sneak in and mess with me. God is not the author if confusion, so if i am feeling confused, i need to remember that its not of God, and i am not bound to it! I am a child of the all-knowing God, and i should know who i am by now. I need to atrt acting like it.

I am tired of feeling like i should be ashamed and embarrassed of myself. I am tired of living in fear of the devil!! I dont belong to him!!! Jesus paid that price over 2000 yrs ago and bought me from him with the highest price possible! Thank You Jesus! Praise God!

I know God is going to do great things for my city, and i am waiting on Him. =)

Good night world... God is good, and I am thankful...Good night


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